Just 1 Life is now a DES / AHCCCS Community Partner Organization.
We can now help individuals and families apply for and renew food and medical benefits. Community Partner organizations are authorized to utilize HEAplus to help Arizonans apply online for AHCCCS Health Insurance, Nutrition Assistance (formerly Food Stamps) and TANF Cash Assistance. Our application assistors can complete HEAplus applications during an interactive interview with the customer. The customer only needs to sign the application at the end. With improved access to electronic data sources, HEAplus is often able to verify much of the information that is needed for an eligibility decision. When electronic sources do not verify all information needed, assistors can help customers submit documents to their HEAplus application electronically. Assistors can track the progress of the application and help their customers throughout the application process.
Benefits assistance appointments are conducted by phone, Zoom and in some cases in person and by appointment only.
We can handle many of the issues you would normally go into a local office for remotely or from our office.
We can’t help with everything but call us or to learn more about what we can do for you.Organization