Support Groups

What is a Support Group?

Just 1 Life support groups are essentially weekly online virtual meetings where people come together to share their experiences and offer support to each other. Support groups can be for people who are facing a common challenge, such as a mental health condition, a chronic illness, or a life change. They can also be for people who share a common interest, such as parenting, grief, or addiction recovery.

How do Support Groups help?

Benefits of Support Groups:

A Sense of Community: Support groups can provide a sense of community for people who are feeling isolated or alone. In a support group, you can connect with people who understand what you’re going through and who can offer you support and understanding.

Access to Information and Resources: Support groups can provide you with information about your condition or challenge, as well as resources to help you cope. For example, a support group for people with anxiety might provide information about different types of therapy, or a support group for people with chronic pain might provide information about pain management techniques.

Build Healthy Coping Skills: Support groups can teach you coping skills to help you manage your condition or challenge. For example, a support group for people with depression might teach you relaxation techniques or how to set boundaries.

Reduced Isolation: Support groups can help you reduce isolation and feel less alone. In a support group, you can talk to people who understand what you’re going through and who can offer you support and understanding.

Hope: Support groups can offer you hope.  Seeing other people who are coping with your condition or challenge can give you hope that you can too.

Upcoming & Ongoing Weekly Support Groups

General Mental Health Support Groups 


General Substance Use Recovery Support Groups 


Peer and Recovery Support Specialist Worker Support Groups


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